CHUMS Charity supports a number of local services in Bedfordshire and Luton, which rely wholly on charitable funds.
With the help of CHUMS Charity and the contribution of so many different supporters in the local community, £500,000 is required to fund those parts of the service that do not receive contractual funding. Those services are:
The Trauma Service – Bereavement and Non-Bereavement Trauma (sexual abuse and witness to domestic violence)
The Bedfordshire Suicide Bereavement Service (BSBS) – supporting families in the devastating aftermath of a suicide death
The Recreational Therapeutic Service supporting young people who can’t readily engage in 1:1 talking therapies, via football and music programmes
The Babyloss Bereavement Service – supporting families when a baby dies before, at or soon after birth
The Disability Friendship Scheme in Luton – offering a safe social space on a Friday evening to youngsters with learning and/or physical disabilities.