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Do you want to try a Tandem Skydive and raise money for CHUMS Charity at the same time?

Why not book a Charity skydive TODAY at a location of your choice:

Hinton Airfield, Brackley – www.hintonairfield.co.uk
book today with a non-refundable deposit of just £50!

Norwich, Cambridgeshire, Oxford, Nottingham, Maidstone and many more venues can be booked via the Skyline website, where you can choose to skydive for CHUMS Charity: www.skylineevents.co.uk
You can secure your place with a £70 non-refundable deposit.


In return for raising a minimum sponsorship of £395 – we will pay for your jump and training and receive a sizable donation from your efforts at the same time!

For more information please contact: claire.feasey@chumscharity.org
or call Hinton Airfield on: 01295 812300 or Skyline Events on: 0207 424 5500.

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