Hope for Change at Christmas: Help Us Reach Our Goal of £30,000 Before Christmas 2023

🌟 Transform Lives and Create Hope This Christmas! 🌟

Welcome to the CHUMS Charity ‘Hope for Change at Christmas’ fundraising campaign. This Christmas, we are on a mission to raise £30,000 to support five vital mental health services. Your generous contributions can make a world of difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Your contribution will directly impact the lives of vulnerable children and families, offering hope, support, and a brighter future. Together, we can make a real difference in our community.

How You Can Help:

  • Donate: Every pound counts. Your donation, no matter the size, helps us get closer to our goal. Click here to donate now
  • Fundraise: Start a fundraiser, share your passion, and inspire others to contribute.
  • Spread the Word: Share our campaign on social media, with friends, and within your network to increase awareness.

Share a message on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or TikTok:

This Christmas, @chumscharity are on a mission to raise £30,000 to support five vital mental health services. You can help!. Donate now! https://bit.ly/CHUMS-H4C

#HopeForChange #FestiveThanks 


Join us in making a real impact this holiday season. Your generosity can change lives and create lasting hope.

Donate now and be a part of the change! 🎁❤️